Why Don't You Do Something About It? by Sarajoy Pond

This is the question that inspired SaraJoy Pond in her work as founder of the tippingbucket.org. You will find her story inspiring and motivating.
Tipping Bucket is a fresh approach to changing the world. They are a social venture that's redefining traditional deep-pocket philanthropy, busting it open for all who want to make the world a better place—not just the wealthy and powerful. We provide an adaptive, open platform that enables us to
1. Build a community of engaged donors who leverage their financial, human and social capital for social good. 2. Seek out and mentor promising social change agents and support their projects with the holistic capital they need to succeed. 3. Deliver accessible corporate social responsibility initiatives that raise awareness, engage donors, and fund impactful projects.

EarthSayersSarajoy Pond
EarthSayers RatingRecommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionPortland Sustainability Leaders


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