Inspired by the Eco-Eye series hosted by Duncan Stewart and Cathy Fitzgerald with her focus on "resiliencies: stories of transformation from a small Irish forest." They represent citizens who are involved in communicating with their communities, both local and national, with an effort to educate and inform around issues ranging from water to energy conservation to management of food production and forests.
Curated by earthsayer
Sustainable Communities in Ireland and Austria |
Published on Feb 25, 2014 Eco Eye visits sustainable communities in Austria and Ireland.d Visit also Ireland's Environmental Protection Website. EarthSayers Micheal O' Cinneide; Stan Pasley; Cathy Ui Chulain |
About the House
Mentoring for ecoliteracy: Interview with Carole Nelson with ecoliteracy mentor Cathy Fitzgerald
"The Green Fireman" with Neil McCabe
Community Energy with Michael O'Goill and Cormac Walsh