The spotlight is on oil sands development in Canada and it is a perfect storm of economic, social, and environmental realities, part fact, part fiction and promises - clearly affecting us all. It's a situation that calls out to citizens to educate themselves and listen to the voices of sustainability who are speaking from an integrated, whole systems understanding of our world and speak on behalf of Mother Earth. Fundamentally, it's a place and from that place, home to indigenous peoles, comes the Keystone XL pipeline expansion project, which, if approved, would carry heavy crude from Alberta, Canada, to refineries in the United States.
Curated by mokiethecat
Keystone XL: Why Pipelines Spark Controversy |
December 15, 2017 A quick climate change video essay that looks at why oil and gas pipelines like the Keystone XL expansion and the Dakota Access Pipeline are so contentious. I specifically look at how building new pipelines will just lock us into a system reliant on fossil fuels for decades to come. |
Rights of Mother Earth and Tar Sands by Clayton Thomas-Muller
The True Cost of Oil: Tar Sands by Garth Lenz
Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth
Jobs and Economy Building Perspective of Oil Producers
XL Keystone Pipeline by MrEnergy Czar
Tar Sands Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas by ExxonMobil
The Scale of It All by Edward Burtynsky
Secretary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline Project