Anna and Frances Moore Lappe with Raj PatelEat, Drink, and Be Ecological About It
Anna Lappé, Author, Diet for a Hot Planet
Frances Moore Lappé, Author, Diet for a Small Planet
Raj Patel, Activist, Author, Stuffed and Starved, The Value of Nothing - Moderator

Nearly 40 years ago, before daughter Anna was a twinkle in her eye, Frances Moore Lappé published Diet for a Small Planet. Today, the pair still stand firmly behind this book which started as a one-page handout and would become the foundation of Annas own life's work stressing that to understand world politics, we need first to understand food. Anna Lappé, one of Time's "Eco- Who's Who," argues that there's an unsettling connection between food production and global warming in her latest, Diet for a Hot Planet. The mother and daughter have traveled far and wide and conclude that "hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but by a scarcity of democracy." They encourage us to recognize food as a powerful starting point for solving one of our planet's biggest problems.
EarthSayersFrances Lappe; Anna Lappe
OrganizationsSmall Planet Institute
EarthSayers RatingRecommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionFarming and Food Production


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