
Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos

From Spin to Spun: Making Hemp Fiber

How hemp is made into textile fiber. 

EarthSayers Anthony Clarke; Jeordy Clarke
Date unknown Format Blog
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Solutions to Capitalism's Failures by Oliver Niedermaier (2013)

Oliver Niedermaier is Chairman and CEO of TAU Investment Management, LLC, a private equity firm designed to transform global supply chains. By upgrading and de-risking suppliers, TAU uses capitalist solutions to solve capitalism’s worst failures – the undervaluation of human and natural resources. By investing to enhance the operational performance of manufacturers, TAU delivers value to all stakeholders, including investors seeking both superior returns and social and environmental benefits. His presentation was at the 2013 BSR Conference.



EarthSayer Oliver Niedermaier
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Supply Chain Sustainability Challenges More Details
Measuring Sustainability by Rick Ridgeway (2013)

BSR Conference 2013 (Part1) 

In this video, Rick Ridgeway, VP for Environmental Affairs at Patagonia discusses how networks enable partnerships and how Patagonia is deeply committed to collaboration.  Rick addresses the process of standarized tool development to measure sustainability by forming a network. Part 2 of the interview is here.

Published on Nov 18, 2013





EarthSayer Rick Ridgeway
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection BSR Conferences More Details
Where Does Stuff Come From 1 of 3 by Annie Leonard
Static Preview

 October 19, 2009 Acclaimed filmmaker and Internet phenomenon Annie Leonard exposes the often hidden costs of all that we consume and provides a hopeful vision for moving beyond the age of Stuff. (http://www.bioneers.org/annie-leonard) Other of Annie's work is on earthSayers, search "Annie."

EarthSayer Annie Leonard
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos


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