
Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos

Continuum (Trailer) by Planetary
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CONTINUUM is about the awakening of our planet.

It is a feature documentary telling the story of our interconnection with each other, the planet, and the universe.

We hope that this documentary will change the way we think as a species – to stop seeing ourselves as separate from each other, from the planet and the cosmos – and inspire us to work together to transform our planetary crises.

EarthSayers Christoph Ferstad; Steve Kennedy; Guy Reid
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Overview by Planetary Collective
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On the 40th anniversary of the famous 'Blue Marble' photograph taken of Earth from space, Planetary Collective presents a short film documenting astronauts' life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside -- a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect.

The Overview Effect, first described by author Frank White in 1987, is an experience that transforms astronauts' perspective of the planet and mankind's place upon it. Common features of the experience are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.

EarthSayers Edgar Mitchell; Nicole Stott; Frank White
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
The Known Universe from Amer. Museum of Natural History
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The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, was part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, held at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan in 2010.

EarthSayers Carter Emmart; Michael Hoffman; Ben Oppenheimer
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Four Most Remarkable Facts by Bill Bryson
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This is "a really really really short history of nearly everything", in four amazing facts that reveal important and fundamental things about the world and our lives within it.
The first is that we exist, under the circumstances of inestimable chance within the history of the universe, the three others follow with telling consequences about how we should think about our lives on this planet. (2010)

EarthSayer Bill Bryson
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details

Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos


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