Prosperity | Business & Industry
Sourcing Responsible and Ethical

Displaying 9 videos of 9 matching videos

The Impact Sourcing Challenge for Inclusivity

The Impact Sourcing Challenge is the first of its kind to specifically focus on escalating impact sourcing as a way to increase employment and career development opportunities for disadvantaged workers. The Challenge is aimed at responsible businesses seeking to positively transform employees' lives through their procurement and hiring practices. It is seen as the largest official commitment to Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This Challenge was developed by the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC), a collaboration between leading companies to build more inclusive global supply chains. Learn more: gisc.bsr.org

EarthSayers Julie Ishimwe; Iasabelle Mashtola; Murali Vullaganti
Date 3/20/2018 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Supply Chain Sustainability Challenges More Details
The Responsible Supply Chain and The Sustainability Reporting and Communications Summits 2017

The Responsible Supply Chain Summit is Europe's leading meeting place for supply chain and sustainability teams to discuss future responsible supply chain strategies. For more information click here - www.ethicalcorp.com/supplychain The Sustainability Reporting and Communications Summit hosts 200+ reporting executives to discuss how to portray sustainability activities and strategies through the reporting process. Click here for more information.

Date 1/15/2018 Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Supply Chain Sustainability Challenges More Details
The Responsible Business Summit New York 2017

The 2017 conference brought together the best, the most innovative and most inspiring brands in responsible business to New York at #RBSNY - 260+ attendees discussed how to deliver purpose for commercial success, the environment and stakeholders.

EarthSayers Priva Amin; Hugh Walsh
Date 4/26/2017 Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Responsible Business Conferences More Details
The Kimberley Process by Boite D'Or
The Biote D'Or experience with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). It is a control system established in 2003 to authenticate the provenance of diamonds. After it became known in the late 1990s that warring parties were abusing the trade with rough diamonds to fund their conflicts, this initiative was founded to put an end to the sale of so called blood or conflict diamonds. Today, more than 49 countries are part of the Kimberley Process, the European Community being counted as one member. The members commit themselves to strict rules and regulations to verifiably track the legitimate provenance of each diamond. Further detailed information about the Kimberley Process here.

RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council)
The Responsible Jewellery Council is a not-for-profit, standards setting and certification organisation. The RJC's Chain-of-Custody Certification for precious metals supports these initiatives and can be used as a tool to deliver broader Member and stakeholder benefit. Published on Nov 22, 2013

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ethical Sourcing More Details
The Promise of Ethical Consumption from Ideas Matter

Uploaded on Nov 14, 2011

November 3, 2011 - Cambridge, MA
"Buy local," "buy green," "buy organic" . . . we cannot buy anything without considering its moral implications. How has consumption become suffused with right and wrong? How effective has the ethical-consumption movement been in changing market behavior?

Ideas Matter, a joint project of Boston Review and MIT's Political Science Department, is a lecture series that brings our writers together with other experts and practitioners for substantive debate on the challenges of our times.
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ethical Sourcing More Details
Conflict Minerals from Congo
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Did you know that conflict minerals from Congo are in all cell phones, smart phones, and other electronics? Join Jewish World Watch in taking action to demand that electronics companies produce conflict-free products.

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Conflict-free Minerals More Details
Conflict Minerals 101: We Want Conflict-free Products

Eastern Congo is the most dangerous place in the world and this is an introduction of the minerals from this region and how it is part of the electronics we use everyday from phones to laptops.

Visit www.raisehopeforcongo.org to find out how you can help end the world's deadliest war in the Congo.

Video directed and produced by Robert Padavick. Editing and animation by Jeff Trussell.

EarthSayers Robert Padavick; John Prendergast; Jeff Trussell
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
About The Enough Project
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The world's worst human rights abuses require permanent solutions. The Enough Project uses cutting-edge research, advocacy and campaigning to work toward ending genocide and crimes against humanity.

EarthSayers Don Cheadle; George Clooney; John Prendergast
Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Conflict-free Minerals More Details
Conflict-free Minerals a Campus Initiative
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Join Raise Hope For Congo's "Conflict-Free Campus" initiative and help bring peace to the Congo by making your campus conflict-free. Learn more at www.RaiseHopeForCongo.org/campus.

Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Conflict-free Minerals More Details

Displaying 9 videos of 9 matching videos


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