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Displaying 2 videos of 2 matching videos

SDG Digital GOAL 1

There are seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This is one of seventeen short videos on each available on the AI for Good youtube channel.  Here is a video of all seventeen goals on the United Nations channel.

Date 9/18/2023 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection AI for Good More Details
SDG Digital: Doreen Bogdan Martin, Secretary General, ITU Closing Remarks

Doreen Bogdan Martin, Secretary General, ITU delivers Closing Remarks at SDG Digital on September 17, 2023 in New York.

EarthSayer Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Date 9/17/2023 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection AI for Good More Details

Displaying 2 videos of 2 matching videos


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