
Displaying 10 videos of 10 matching videos

Silent Revolution in Cultural Values with Pippa Norris

This is a podcast that re-aired this episode that originally published in November 2022, because it offers exactly that kind of theory. Pippa Norris is a political scientist at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She’s written dozens of books on topics ranging from comparative political institutions to right-wing parties and the decline of religion. In 2019, she and Ronald Inglehart published “Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit and Authoritarian Populism which gives the best explanation of the far right’s rise that I’ve read. And it feels so much more relevant now in this country, after Trump’s decisive election. 

In this conversation, we discuss what Norris calls the “silent revolution in cultural values” that has occurred across advanced democracies in recent decades, why the “transgressive aesthetic” of leaders like Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro is so central to their appeal, the role that economic anxiety and insecurity play in fueling right-wing backlashes and more.



EarthSayer Pippa Norris
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
No More Deaths Trial (Ariz.Public Media)

No More Deaths Sees Success in Court Despite Volunteers' Convictions: Nancy Montoya reports on the trial's outcome and the humanitarian aid group's origins.

Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection No More Deaths More Details
Justice For All (Kenya)

Justice For All (vpro backlight documentary)

Published on Nov 1, 2016

Access to justice: for four billion out of the just over seven billion people on earth this is too expensive, too complicated, blocked by corruption, or simply not available. Lawyers working for the Dutch government devote themselves to the digital innovation of the legal industry. Surprisingly enough, Kenya is a trendsetter in this respect. Under the inspiring guidance of Supreme Court Judge Willy Mutunga, and with the aid of text messaging, smartphones and Twitter, a countrywide network of apps and legal volunteers is built. Injustice is combatted with cell phones instead of law degrees.

With Willy Mutunga (President of the Supreme Court), Sam Muller (Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law), Peter Ouko (prison paralegal), Kituo Cha Sheria (Huis van het Recht) and Ushahidi, the open source software collective.

VPRO Backlight October 2016

Director: Shuchen Tan, Research: William de Bruijn, Director of photography: Hans Fels, Pim Hawinkels, Sound: Ednah Bonareri, Sander den Broeder,Editor: Michiel Hazebroek, Kenya producers: Alexander Valeton, Kennedy Odhiambo, Web editor: Jasper Koning, Producer: Jeroen Beumer, Commissioning editors: Marije Meerman, Doke Romeijn, Archive: Picha Mtaani, Euronews, Thanks to: Selfmade Films, Jin Ho Verdonschot

EarthSayer Supreme Court Judge Willy Mutunga
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Ecuadorian Indigenous Peoples opposed to oil development

Published on Feb 2, 2016

On January 28, the leaders of different indigenous nationalities directly affected by the contract between Ecuador and Andes Petroleum held a press conference in Quito to publicly announce their position that the government process of consultation has been illegal and illegitimate and that they reject the plans for oil exploration and exploitation in blocks 79 and 83 and reject plans for additional oil development in the South-Central region. Read more here on the Pachamama website, the publishers of this video on their YouTube channel.

This is the testimony of Manari Shigua of the Sapara people of the Ecuadorian Amazon.His testimony addresses the designation of the Sapara peoples culture a masterpiece of the Oral heritage of humanity by UNESCO which acknowledges that all resources in t heir territory (trees, mountains, oil +) are the world's heritage. The Ecuadorian government wants to exploit these resources and must understand they are required to consult the world as no resources can be exploited in their territory especially those the people oppose.

EarthSayer Manari Ushigua
Date unknown Format Testimony
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details
TN House Votes to Legalize Hemp by Jeremy Faison

The Tennessee House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on March 31 to approve a bill directing the state's Department of Agriculture to set up a licensing program for people to legally grow hemp. The bill's sponsor, Cosby Republican Jeremy Faison, said the cannabis plant has a long history in American of being used for productive, beneficial uses. Faison noted that in the recent U.S. Farm Bill, signed by President Obama back in February, permission is granted for states to regulate hemp production and allow universities to study it. After the bill passed on an 88-5 vote, Faison handed products made from hemp to the chamber's leaders of both parties. Among the items were breakfast cereal, soap, cooking oil and twine. Published on Mar 31, 2014

EarthSayer Jeremy Faison
Date unknown Format Political speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Our Land, Our Business by TheRulesOrg

Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings. Published on Mar 27, 2014 by The Rules, THE RULES IS A GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO BRING POWER BACK TO PEOPLE, AND CHANGE THE RULES THAT CREATE INEQUALITY AND POVERTY AROUND THE WORLD.

ANIMATION: Grain Media
SOUND RECORDING: Wuyi Jacobs, Afrobeat Radio; Jim Richards and the studios of the UC Berkeley School of Journalism. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP

Spanish Version here.

EarthSayers Wuyi Jacobs; Jim Richards
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Wild Law by Peter Burdon
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Do we have enought time?  What is driving the environmental crisis?   Wild Law – In Practice aims to facilitate the transition of Earth Jurisprudence from theory into to practice. Law perpetuates the ecological crisis and needs to be radically reconfigured to facilitate a viable human presence on the Earth. Peter Burdon is a Senior Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School. His PhD was in the field of ecological law and won the Bonython Prize and a University of Adelaide Research Medal for best original thesis. Since 2005 Peter has worked with Friends of the Earth Adelaide in the Clean Futures Collective.  Published on Aug 25, 2013

Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The Hypocrisy of 'Justice for All' by Bill Moyers
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Bill reports on the hypocrisy of "justice for all" in a society where billions are squandered for a war born in fraud while the poor are pushed aside. He draws particular attention to the failing legacy of Gideon vs. Wainwright, the landmark Supreme ruling that established the constitutional right of criminal defendants to legal representation, even if they can't afford it. Turns out true justice -- not just the word that comes from our lips when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance -- is still unaffordable for those who need it most. Published on Mar 29, 2013

EarthSayer Bill Moyers
Date unknown Format Essay
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Bill Moyers More Details
Climate Change and Clean Energy
Static PreviewFebruary 08, 2010Will Steger and Terry Gips discuss the economic opportunities for clean energy solutions in Minnesota and the importance of a strong limit on carbon emissions. What's holding things up?
EarthSayers Terry Gips; Will Steger
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Renewable Energy & The Smart Grid More Details
Community-driven Culture of Portland, Oregon, 1 of 2: Rob Bennett
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Part 1 of 2 Rob Bennett is the founding executive director of the Portland Sustainability Institute (PoSI). Rob talks about his journey starting with his early involvement as a community organizer and leadership of the Green Building program in Portland, Oregon. He continues to work at the intersection of the environment, community social justice, and built form.  For more videos on Portland's sustainability progress, visit Portland Sustainability Leadership channel on YouTube.

EarthSayers Rob Bennett; Barry Heidt
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 10 matching videos


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