Displaying 10 videos of 75 matching videos
Jason Mark of Sierra Magazine explains that we can't ignore climate risks where we live. Climate risk concealed by insurance companies and real estate agents will come to the surface when "the horizon of the 30-year mortgage starts to run up against very serious flooding and sea-level rise."
Trailer for movie End of Suburbia. Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness. Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream. Entire movie here on YouTube.
Soul Sanctuary is the story of Beit T'Shuvah a Jewish faith-based long term addiction treatment center. From the safety of this place residence find dignity, honor, and respect through t'shuvah a Jewish practice of accountability and right action. Addiction is a mental, physical, and spiritual malady. This documentary is infused with joy and hope as it invites participants to realize that they could have a life without alcohol or drugs and that they would be ok without it. Otherwise why would anyone want to be sober if life was going to be dreary. This trailer features Harriet Rossetto, founder of this valuable and successful program.
This film is infused with joy as we watch people reconnect with their lives through therapy, spiritual counseling, dance, choir, and internships.
Welcome to Recovery Cafe is a refuge of hope and healing where transformation and healing is always on the menu. It's a place where people who have been ignored and not valued are given loving attention and valued. Good nutrition, connection, and community are the antidotes to isolation, loneliness, and recidivism. Recovery Cafe is not a drop in center or a crisis clinic. It is a membership organization where people are valued and come back to life! After viewing the trailer visit their website.
Description of North Coast Opportunities (NCO), a Community Action Agency in northern coastal California. This video describes how NCO operates SOME of its many programs and the collaborations we invest in. Highlights include how we meet the evolving needs of the community following natural disasters, addressing homelessness, poverty and food scarcity. There are many other ways, besides the examples in this video that NCO meets the needs of our local communities. Find out more at NCOinc.org.
Hear from Mayor Sophie H. how Copenhagen works with its sustainability agenda in urban development and what Copenhagen has to offer to guests joining the World Congress in July 2023.
Urban Planning - making city both inside and outside for people as well as carbon neutral. The Honorary Committee is composed of eminent personalities who lend strength to the UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 through their support and contributions to the profession. You will meet them during selected sessions at the World Congress in Copenhagen. Find more information on https://uia2023cph.org/
Hear what Mogens has to say on the creation and purpose of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of sustainable development including all aspects of the global goals, in all areas of society.
Mogens Lykketoft is a Danish politician who served as Leader of the Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne) from 2002 to 2005.
The Honorary Committee is composed of eminent personalities who lend strength to the UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 through their support and contributions to the profession. You will meet them during selected sessions at the World Congress in Copenhagen. Find more information here.
Introducing the UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023. See the challenges facing architecture, inclusivity, and sustainability in the 21st Century. The UIA World Congress takes place in Copenhagen, July 2-6, 2023. SUSTAINABLE FUTURES LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND
The World Congress aims to make architecture a central tool in achieving the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Expect great partners, inspiring keynotes and learn from the latest groundbreaking scientific research. Enjoy cross-sector networking and discover future methods and materials. Together with more than 10,000 of your peers, embark on a journey towards a more sustainable built environment, for the sake of our planet.
More information is here.
Hear what Bjarke has to say on "Hedonistic Sustainability' and why Copenhagen is worth the visit during the UIA World Congress of Architects in July 2023. "It's the micro-innovations, that once you look closer, make the world work greatly"
Bjarke Bundgaard Ingels is a Danish architect, founder, and creative partner of Bjarke Ingels Group. In Denmark, Ingels became well known after designing two housing complexes in Ørestad: VM Houses and Mountain Dwellings.
The Honorary Committee is composed of eminent personalities who lend strength to the UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 through their support and contributions to the profession. You will meet them during selected sessions at the World Congress in Copenhagen. Find more information on https://uia2023cph.org/
Displaying 10 videos of 75 matching videos
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