People | Cities & Communities

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What is Public Works? by Julia Anastasio
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Julia Anastasio is Director of Sustainability for the American Public Works Association (APWA).  She was interviewed at the start of the APWA Sustainability in Public Works Conference, June 27-29 in Portland, Oregon. She discusses what the term Public Works can include and how as a city -wide department it can span different services, depending on the city. 

Julia was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability.

EarthSayer Julia Anastasio
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
What is the Fracking Process by Chesapeak Energy
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Instructional, how it is done...After being made available on YouTube it was re-classified as "private" by the company.

We are leaving a link to it on EarthSayers in the event the company changes its mind and makes it available once again.

In order to maximize the production potential for a natural gas well, the shale formation must be hydraulically fractured. This video outlines and demonstrates the hydraulic fracturing process in Chesapeake Energy natural gas operations. For more information on fracking, visit www.hydraulicfracturing.com.

Here is a news/personal story about spills from a Chesapeak Energy drilling site and contamination of private and public natural resources.

Here is our January 1, 2013 article on Fracking in our blog, Sustainability Adovate. 

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details
Our Public Lands in the U.S. by Huey Johnson
Static PreviewSnippet of Mr. Johnson's 2008 speech on our public lands which is availabe in full at Fora.tv.
EarthSayer Huey Johnson
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Huey Johnson More Details
Freedom of Speech: Uniting the Cause
Static PreviewAlmost every film we work with tells a unique story of people fighting for social or environmental justice in their communities. Our job is to make those local stories resonate with folks in other places across the country and around the world.
So when free speech came under attack in Working Films' hometown of Wilmington, N.C. we knew we had to share this story with our friends and allies.
EarthSayers Kayne Darrell; David Hill; Anna Lee
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Building Sustainable Places by Steve Mouzon
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Author and architect Steve Mouzon gives a brief definition of new urbanism and relates it to building a sense of place. Mouzon Design is headed by Steve and his wife, Wanda Mouzon and is located in Miami. Steve is also a principal of the New Urban Guild. The New Urban Guild is a group of architects, designers, and other New Urbanists dedicated to the study and the design of true traditional buildings and places native to and inspired by the regions in which they are built. The Guild was instrumental in the creation of the Katrina Cottages concept, and continues to foster the movement, including sponsoring a website (no longer available).

The Guild Foundation has hosted Steve & Wanda’s Original Green initiative, which is plain-spoken, common-sense sustainability.

EarthSayer Steve Mouzon
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Wood from the Hood: Using Urban Wood
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This video tells the story of "Wood from the Hood" and a unique approach to reclaiming discarded trees from local neighborhoods. The urban trees are made into flooring, millwork, furniture and accessories for the home and office.

Wood From The Hood produces high quality lumber and other wood products from the Twin Cities area "Urban Forest".  By reclaiming trees in our local area, we can produce high quality products from a sustainable resource and take one more step towards environmentally sensitive building and remodeling. Founded by indy and Rick Siewert this innovative company is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

EarthSayers Rick Siewert; Indy Siewert
Date unknown Format Product
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Dignity Homeless Village and Co-housing by Dave Samson
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Sustainable Today takes a look at a different sort of co-housing venture, that of housing for the homeless. Dave Samson , chairman of Dignity Village in Portland, Oregon and reporter Nicole Lasage take a stroll through the Village and show us how 60 people can live together with little or no impact on the environment. Other related terms:


EarthSayer Dave Samson
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainable Today More Details
Sustainability and a Co-housing Community by Eli Spevak
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Sustainable Today visits the Peninsula Park Commons in Portland, Oregon. This Co-housing project was designed and built by Eli Spevak and Mark Lakeman (better know as the leader of City Repair Project),We see the actual living spaces and how they are laid out and constructed not only for energy efficiency but for privacy while existing in a community atmosphere.

EarthSayer Eli Spevak
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainable Today More Details
There is no one policy, no one recipe by Elinor Ostrom
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Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Elinor Ostrom. She worries about the news and text books promoting one way solutions to complex issues. There is not one way, no one recipe. She is the Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science at Indiana University.

EarthSayer Elinor Ostrom
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Criminality and Morality by Sharif Abdullah
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In this interview, Dr. Sharif Abdullah talks about the issue of criminality and morality in terms of five economic systems, color coded markets, easy to remember when you are confronted with the challenge of doing the right thing or first realizing that just because something is legal doesn't make it moral. He is Founder and President of the Commonway Institute. Click image to order his book, Creating a World That Works for All.

Check out EarthSayers.tv special collection, Transforming Our Economy for more films, lectures, interviews. 

EarthSayers Sharif Abdullah; Ruth Ann Barrett
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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