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October 26, 2016 Since its beginning 20 years ago, Amazon Watch has been deeply committed to defending indigenous peoples' rights and territories, for they are the best guardians of their rainforest homes. Considering that indigenous lands hold 80% of global biodiversity, it is no surprise that extractive industries want their resources. If left to them, the Amazon's Sacred Headwaters would become one big oil field, and the watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon would be destroyed by agribusiness and mega-dams. There is another way! Amazon Watch continues to stand with indigenous allies in defending their territories and sacred natural areas as industrial "No Go Zones." We are committed to supporting and amplifying Sarayaku's Kawsak Sacha, or Living Forests, proposal in defense of all life in the Amazon by keeping the oil in the ground. We want to expand this model throughout the Amazon, so that places like Yasuní National Park and the Xingu and Tapajós rivers will never again be considered for industrial development. We are also waging international market campaigns to expose and pressure governments and corporations that are causing harm. Our new Amazon Crude Campaign aims to reduce demand for rainforest-destroying oil. We recently began working with Brazilian allies to expose the financiers of environmental and indigenous rights law rollbacks. Learn more and join the movement at amazonwatch.org. Produced by @Ecodeo (http://www.ecodeo.co) Additional footage generously provided by: Todd Southgate, SpectralQ, Gert-Peter Bruch / Planète Amazone.
Find out how you can participate in creating a new economic system that helps humanity to live in harmony with each other and the planet: http://sustainablehuman.com/
The mission of Sustainable Human is to assist in creating and promoting a new economic system based on the collective voluntary gifts of everyday people. The goal is to transition from our current, scarcity-based economic system to a new system capable of creating abundance for all. Bypassing the monetary system, we will voluntarily collaborate on projects aimed at creating goods and services that are given freely to the world, helping to create a bottom-up, participatory, global gift economy.
After 7+ years of holding space for a conversation about the deep underlying roots of our many sustainability-related crises, the time has come to be more proactive towards a solution.
We recognize at the very root of many of our systemic issues is an economic system that measures progress and success in only one metric - growth or profit. Economic growth means consuming more resources each year than were consumed in the prior year, which means that more of Nature must be turned into product for human consumption. The scale has reached ecocidal proportions.
At the same time, fewer people are able to meet their needs from the present economic system as wealth inequality only continues to grow. Complicating matters is the fact that technology is rapidly replacing human workers in a variety of ways in both the virtual and creative markets. The idea of income being attached to work is coming undone.
We need a new economy and it is going to be up to each of us to co-create one.
Sustainable Human is creating a new, voluntary, global gift economy called the Sustainable Human Gift Economy Network (powered by Hylo - an emerging, open-source social network designed to help communities to collaborate). Its purpose is to transcend the economics of scarcity and transition humanity into the economy capable of delivering sustainable abundance for all.
The idea is simple.
We all have a gift to give. When we work together in sharing our gifts, we are able to accomplish amazing achievements. However, most ideas we create are limited by the need to make a profit. No longer.
Now we can voluntarily work together using our unique gifts and skills to create anything we want and give it freely to the world. As more people decide to join the gift economy, the size and scope of the gifts will grow to a point where people will be able to meet some of their needs through this economy, reducing the need for us to participate in the life-destroying, soul-crushing, industrial, growth economy.
Learn more about the gift economy at:
The best part about the gift economy is everyone can participate. Join the gift economy here:
Learn how the Sustainable Human Gift Economy Network can help you to create and give your gift to the world:
Questions? Check out the FAQ:
To learn more about the issues, click here:
Infinite Growth: http://sustainablehuman.com/#growth
Technological Unemployment: http://sustainablehuman.com/#tech
Extreme Inequality: http://sustainablehuman.com/#unequal
A Shift In Values: http://sustainablehuman.com/#values
Abundant Economics: http://sustainablehuman.com/#economy
Learn more about Hylo:
For more about the Overview Effect and astronauts experiences please check out OVERVIEW (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDfEnKcHBSc) and PLANETARY, now available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/planetary/id1058246189
The Association of Space Explorers reached out to their fellow astronauts to pass on a simple message of solidarity, hope and collaboration to combat climate change and reach our political leaders during such a crucial time.
Astronaut Ernst Messerschmid, Ph.D – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Soichi Noguchi – Space Shuttle, Soyuz, ISS
Astronaut Naoko Yamazaki – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Wubbo Ockels, Ph.D – Space Shuttle, 1st Dutch Citizen in Space
Astronaut Scott Kelly - Space Shuttle, Soyuz, ISS
Astronaut Kjell Lindgren, MD - Soyuz, ISS
Astronaut Piers Sellers, Ph.D – Space Shuttle, NASA Climate Scientist
Astronaut Greg Linteris, Ph.D – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Ron Garan – Space Shuttle, Soyuz, ISS
Astronaut Jerry Carr – Skylab
Astronaut Nicole Stott – Space Shuttle, ISS
Astronaut Loren Acton, Ph.D – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Mary Cleave, Ph.D – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Dan Barry, Ph.D – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Bobby Satcher, Ph.D, MD – Space Shuttle
Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria – Space Shuttle, Soyuz, ISS, US Spacewalk Record Holder
Cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma – Soyuz, 1st Indian Citizen in Space
Astronaut Pedro Duque – Space Shuttle, Soyuz, 1st Spanish Citizen in Space
The video was produced by astronaut Ron Garan and Planetary Collective in association with Daria Lopez-Alegria of Space Bridges and edited by Steve Watts Kennedy. Planetary Collective is the award winning filmmaker behind the short film Overview, the groundbreaking full-length feature documentary Planetary, and the upcoming space documentary Orbital.
Special thanks to the Association of Space Explorers
Music by The Human Suits
Space footage from NASA and ESA
2011 The Australian Indigenous Education Foundation provides boarding school and university scholarships for Indigenous children to attend some of Australia's leading educational institutions and offers pathways enabling them to develop and achieve their career goals. In this video, Indigenous students attending AIEF Partner Schools talk about their experiences and their plans and dreams for the future.
Remembering our past to co-create our future.
November 14 2012 there will be a total solar eclipse in Far North Queensland, Australia. In honour of this celestial event Rare Earth Foundation is hosting a gathering for earth-based cultures to come together to share their knowledge with young leaders of today to co-create tangible solutions to the problems facing our planet.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to support this gathering. If you know of any Elders or cultural groups that might like an invitation to this event please email rahm@ref.org.au orfor more info go to our Website.
Understanding consumer behavior and attitudes regarding sustainability and health/wellness is an ongoing process. Listen to perspectives from Peter Salmon of Moxie Design in New Zealand, Guy Champniss of Havas Media, and Chris Coulter of Globescan.
NATURAL ORDER: Edward Burtynsky & Marta Braun In Conversation
Sep 23, 2020
September 15, 2020: Edward Burtynsky was joined by Marta Braun, F+PPCM Program Director at Ryerson University School of Image Arts, at the Nicholas Metivier Gallery in Toronto, ON to discuss Burtynsky's latest body of work Natural Order, and his art historical inspirations.
Edward Burtynsky's In the Wake of Progress | Luminato Festival 2021 | Trailer (1 min)
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