Planet | Oceans and Wetlands

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Let's protect the oceans like national parks | David Lang

You don't have to be a scientist to help protect the world's oceans, says underwater drone expert and TED Fellow David Lang -- in fact, ordinary citizens have pulled together to save the planet's natural treasures many times in history. Lang asks us to take a lesson from the story of the US National Parks Service, offering a three-point plan for conserving underwater wonders.

Check out more TED Talks: http://www.ted.com

Date 11/5/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Creating Incomes, Sustainability on a Fragile Moroccan Coast

Pollution, overcrowding and climate change have damaged the environment and endangered traditional livelihoods. But under the World Bank’s Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project, communities along Morocco’s Mediterranean coast are earning new sources of income through a series of inter-connected projects – that are also helping protect the fragile ecosystem. Learn more at http://gizc.environnement.gov.ma/

EarthSayer Mohammed Bouhrja
Date 7/12/2017 Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
2023: A Year in Review | Oceana
As we welcome a new year, we’re full of hope and gratitude. Our work to protect the oceans means protecting our own future, and Wavemakers like you are true beacons of light and critical in making our victories a reality. Here’s a look back on all we achieved in 2023!

Looking for ways to get involved in 2024? Visit www.oceana.org/waystogive
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Collapse Of The Oceans with Joshua Jackson

The YEARS Project

There is one place on Earth where the impacts of climate change are most profound and yet practically invisible: the oceans. WATCH our newest video where Joshua Jackson goes to the Great Barrier Reef to explore the impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the world's reefs.

WATCH NEXT: 'Collapse Of The Oceans' with Joshua Jackson Part 2 - here. https://youtu.be/YZXBawQGONs

21,310 views as of 
Mar 2, 2017
EarthSayer Joshua Jackson
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Recycling is Not the Solution to Our Plastics Problem
Recycling is not the solution to our plastics problem. It's time to REDUCE the amount of plastics being produced. Join Oceana in urging companies to offer plastic-free alternatives: https://bit.ly/2WVh4O7
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details
Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Another Record Low (March 2017)

Published on Mar 22, 2017

On March 7, 2017, Arctic sea ice reached its annual wintertime maximum extent, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and NASA. The Arctic sea ice extent set a record low after a warm winter. Combining the Arctic and Antarctic numbers shows that the planet’s global sea ice levels on Feb. 13 were at their lowest point since satellites began to continuously measure sea ice in 1979.

Music is Crystal Light by Michael Holborn [PRS] and William Henries [PRS]

Credits: Kathryn Mersmann (producer), Maria-Jose Vinas Garcia (writer) and Lori Perkins (visualizer) 

This video is public domain and along with other supporting visualizations can be downloaded from the Scientific Visualization Studio at: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12537 

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Kathryn Mersmann

If you liked this video, subscribe to the NASA Goddard YouTube channel.
Date unknown Format Visualization
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
About OceansAdvocacy Concept

Here is IPCC report, Summary for Policy Makers on Chapter Six, Oceans. (Update of April 2, 2014)

Inspired by the launch of the World Resources Institute's (WRI)  Global Forest Watch, Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv explores the concept of an Oceans Advocacy platform addressing the age old question, How Many fishes in the Sea, by bringing together oceans advocates in one spot and with access to databases, research, maps, voices of leaders and experts, including those proponents of a circular economy. A whole systems approach to problem solving - a sustainability awareness perspective.  

The goals and objectives of the OceansAdvocacy.com are detailed in the printed presentation available here.  A companion paper, On the Importance of Search: What EarthSayers.tv is Teaching Me is available here.





Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Wiring an Interactive Ocean by John Delaney

http://www.ted.com Oceanographer John Delaney is leading the team that is building an underwater network of high-def cameras and sensors that will turn our ocean into a global interactive lab -- sparking an explosion of rich data about the world below. Uploaded on Jul 28, 2010 by Ted.com.

John is Professor of Oceanography, University of Washington, Principal Investigator and Director, Regional Scale Nodes Program and holds the Jerome M. Paros Endowed Chair in Sensor Networks

EarthSayer John Delaney
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
America's Cup Clean Regatta by Dan Pingaro
Static Preview

Sailors for the Sea

Dan Pingaro is the Executive Director of Sailors for the Sea (sailingsforthesea.org), the only ocean conservation nonprofit focused on the sailing and boating community. In this interview he Clean Regattas Programtalks about the Clean Regatta Program at the America's Cup races held this last September 2013 in San Francisco, California. 

Since July 2011, Sailors for the Sea (Newport, RI) has worked with the America's Cup Event Authority to support the vision and plan of delivering a model sustainability sporting event. In October Sailors for the Sea awarded the 34th America's Cup their highest level Clean Regattas certification!

Dan was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett with support from videographer, David Okimoto of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability at the America's Cup Finals in San Francisco, September 10, 2013.

EarthSayer Dan Pingaro
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Importance of the High Seas by WWF
Static Preview

WWF's Global Marine Programme is working to increase international attention for the conservation of vast expanses of ocean, and immediately protect the high seas. Around 64% of the oceans - an area covering half the planet - lie beyond the national jurisdiction of any country. Known as the high seas, these international waters are open-access common areas for everyone. For more information visit panda.org/highseas

Published on Dec 19, 2012

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details

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