
Displaying 3 videos of 3 matching videos

First Ever BioCellar at Chateau Hough by Mansfield Frazier
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Now in his third year with the Vineyards at Chateau Hough, Mansfield Frazier has just received angel funding to kick off his next urban agriculture project, the BioCellar at Chateau Hough.

Remove the shell of any of the 15,000 abandoned homes in Cleveland that are beyond repair, and build a greenhouse over top, leaving the basement under the frost line, where mushrooms, selling for $12 a pound, can be grown in a hi-tech BioCellar to grow crops, create jobs and reuse the land, for a triple net bottom line.

EarthSayer Mansfield Frazier
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
The Green Collar Economy by Van Jones
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Van Jones is the founder and president Green For All, based in Oakland, California.  He is committed to creating "green pathways out of poverty," while greatly expanding the coalition fighting global warming.  His newest book, Rebuild the Dream, may be ordered by clicking on the image.

Complete video here.

EarthSayer Van Jones
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Growing Farmers by Nathan McFall
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After serving as an Environmental Protection Extension Agent teaching farming and environmental education in Africa for two years in the Peace Corps, Nathan found that his passion was in living close to the Earth and in a community where it truly takes a village to move through life well.  

In 2010 in collaboration with Matt Brown, Benjamin Green and Bobbie Brown, Nathan formed Food Waves focusing on producing organic food for the local Portland, Oregon market, they see their mission growing farmers in a movement they call small acre stewardship.

Food|Waves promotes sustainable agriculture as a long-term solution to major environmental issues facing the overall health of the world’s soil, water and people. Our aim is to develop future farmers by providing the technical and financial support necessary to learn how to grow organic food for local consumers.

Videotaped July 2, 2011 by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability with music by Benjamin Bogosian. 

EarthSayers Matt Brown; Bobbie Brown; Nathan McFall
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details

Displaying 3 videos of 3 matching videos


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