Wisdom Keepers

About This Collection

There are fifty+ channels on YouTube bringing the voices of wisdom keepers to the fore, most publishers are indigenous communities. We support the sharing and preservation of sacred wisdom teachings, the very foundation of sustainability principles and practices, and offer EarthSayers as a "connecting tool" working towards the idea of One Voice through this special collection and other vidoes on EarthSayers such the series, Native Perspectives on Sustainability and special collections on Indigenous Elders Dr. David Courchene, Ilarion Merculief, and Dr. Robin Kimmerer

We are grateful to the individuals and organizations who are using the world wide web to present and spread the indigenous voices of wisdom.

Curated by mokiethecat

Learning from Indigenous Peoples & Ethnic Diversity by Randy Woodley

Randy Woodley | Learning from Indigenous Peoples & Ethnic Diversity | The GlobalChurch Project

Published on Jan 16, 2016
Randy Woodley & Graham Hill discuss embracing ethnic diversity & learning from indigenous communities. On "The GlobalChurch Project". Shortened version of interview. Full 35-minute version available here

Randy Woodley is a descendent of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. He and his wife Edith lead a local Native American gathering at their home. They’ve developed a holistic model of service among Native Americans, out of which grew a 50 acre sustainable farm and Christian community. In this community, the Woodleys taught sustainability, eco-justice, microeconomics, leadership, and mission. In 2008 they gave up their farm and were forced to disband the community due to violence from local White Supremacists.

Randy Woodley is a founding member of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies. He’s passionate about emerging faith expressions, diversity, eco-justice, reconciliation, mission, and indigenous peoples.

Graham Hill is the Founder and Director of The GlobalChurch Project, and Vice Principal of Morling Theological College, Sydney, Australia.

The Global Church Project films Christian leaders and churches from Africa and Asia and Latin America. We also film in the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, First Nations, Indigenous communities, the Middle East, and Oceania, and in diaspora and immigrant communities. Today, these non-Western cultures are the Majority World. The GlobalChurch Project presents resources to support these films. Small group resources. Curriculum for college classes. Books. Training videos. A blog. Coaching. Consultancy. College and short courses

EarthSayer Randy Woodley

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