Wisdom Keepers

About This Collection

There are fifty+ channels on YouTube bringing the voices of wisdom keepers to the fore, most publishers are indigenous communities. We support the sharing and preservation of sacred wisdom teachings, the very foundation of sustainability principles and practices, and offer EarthSayers as a "connecting tool" working towards the idea of One Voice through this special collection and other vidoes on EarthSayers such the series, Native Perspectives on Sustainability and special collections on Indigenous Elders Dr. David Courchene, Ilarion Merculief, and Dr. Robin Kimmerer

We are grateful to the individuals and organizations who are using the world wide web to present and spread the indigenous voices of wisdom.

Curated by mokiethecat

The Power Of Compassion: Matthieu Ricardo

How can we tackle the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short-term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long-term? Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk and public thinker whose powerful message has influenced major economists such as Dennis Snower, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz and George Soros. He has taken his simple, yet radical message to Davos and the United Nations, and now visits the RSA to make a robust case for cultivating altruistic love and compassion as the best means for benefitting society – and ourselves. It seems so simple, but why is it so hard to implement this ancient solution to both our personal and global 21st century predicaments?

EarthSayer Matthieu Ricard

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