Destiny Arts Center by Sarah Crowell at Bioneers 2010

Sarah Crowell has been a dancer and an arts educator for over 20 years. She has taught dance, theater and violence prevention to youth all over the Bay Area, in schools and community centers since 1990. Sarah talks about the Destiny Arts Center in Oakland, California and their Raise the Roof campaign to locate Destiny Arts Center in a permanent home.
DESTINY (De-Escalation Skills Training Inspiring Nonviolence in Youth) Arts Center exists to end isolation, prejudice and violence in the lives of young people ages 3-18,

Sarah was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability at the Bioneers Conference 2011 in Marin County, California.

EarthSayersSarah Crowell
OrganizationsBioneers Conference 2011; Destiny Arts Center
EarthSayers RatingRecommended
CountryUnited States
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