The Key to Integral SustainabilityKen Wilber dis­cuss­es some of the ob­sta­cles the world faces in bring­ing any sort of re­al change to our cur­rent eco­log­i­cal cri­sis. The para­dox is that it takes a fair­ly so­phis­ti­cat­ed per­spec­tive to per­ceive the prob­lem—and the more in­clu­sive per­spec­tives be­come, the few­er peo­ple there are in­hab­it­ing them. Some green ap­proach­es to sus­tain­abil­i­ty might in­sist that all we need to do is to sim­ply re­spect the "Great Web of Life," but how can we when the vast ma­jor­i­ty of peo­ple can't even per­ceive it? As our en­vi­ron­men­tal prob­lems are in­deed glob­al in scale, re­quir­ing a glob­al re­sponse, which in turn re­quires tru­ly glob­al per­spec­tives, how can we be­gin lead­ing more peo­ple to­ward be­com­ing part of the so­lu­tion? In this di­a­logue, Ken gives us some sug­ges­tions.
EarthSayersKen Wilber
CountryUnited States
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