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Chetan Singh Solanki | Swaraj Yatra: The Journey Towards Sustainability | Talks at Google

Chetan Singh Solanki discusses his work towards sustainability through his “Energy Swaraj” lifestyle, and the immediate actions we can take to combat climate change across the globe, drawing concepts from his book "Energy Swaraj—My Experiments with SOLAR Truth".

Educator, researcher and innovator Chetan Singh Solanki is currently on an Energy Swaraj Yatra, which includes fully living on a solar bus for 10 years. Having started in November 2020 in the wake of catastrophic climate change, and committing until 2030, the purpose is to create a public movement towards the adoption of the use of 100% solar energy. Solanki has been referred to as the “Solar Man of India” by some, while others call him the “Solar Gandhi.” Following Gandhian ideals, he coined the phrase ‘Energy Swaraj’, and to establish it globally, he founded the Energy Swaraj Foundation (ESF). Solanki has also led major solar projects at IIT Bombay, including his SoULS project, in which he provided clean, efficient, affordable and reliable energy for 7.5 million families.

Solanki has been the recipient of many awards and accolades, including but not limited to: the Prime Minister’s Innovation Award for his SoULS project, the first prize in the Solar Chulha Design Challenge by ONGC, and three Guinness World Records. He is the Chairman of the committee of the Central Board of Secondary Education and a member of the National Focus Group on Environmental Education. He is the author of 7 books, has published over 100 research papers internationally and has 4 U.S. patents to his credit.

For more information on Solanki and his Energy Swaraj Yatra, please visit https://energyswaraj.org/.

Get the book here: https://goo.gle/3F5v6Q0.

Moderated by Johnson Jose.

EarthSayer Chetan Singh Solanki
Date 5/23/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Case for Integrating Solar Geoengineering into Climate Policy | David Keith | Talks at Google

David Keith reviews the science and technology of solar geoengineering, addressing the following Q’s: how effective could it be in reducing climate risks? What new risks does it entail? What is uncertain? And, finally, how could uncertainty be reduced to a substantial research program? He presents a case for integrating solar geoengineering into a 4D climate policy that includes emissions cuts, carbon removal, and adaptation.

David Keith has worked near the interface between climate science, energy technology, and public policy since ’91. He took first prize in Canada’s national physics prize exam, won MIT’s prize for excellence in experimental physics, and was one of TIME Magazine’s Heroes of the Environment. David is Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and founder of Carbon Engineering, a Canadian company developing technology to capture CO 2 from ambient air to make carbon-neutral hydrocarbon fuels. Best known for his work on the science, technology, and public policy of solar geoengineering, David led the development of Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, a Harvard-wide interfaculty research initiative. His work has ranged from the climatic impacts of large-scale wind power to an early critique of the prospects for hydrogen fuel. David’s hardware engineering work includes the first interferometer for atoms, a high-accuracy infrared spectrometer for NASA’s ER-2, the development of Carbon Engineering’s air contactor and overall process design, and the development of a stratospheric propelled balloon experiment for solar geoengineering. He teaches science and technology policy, climate science, and solar geoengineering. David is the author of over 200 academic publications with a total citation count of over 13,000. He has written for the public in op-eds and A Case for Climate Engineering.

Moderated by Greg Bronevetsky.

#geoengineering #climatescience #solarengineering

EarthSayer David Keith
Date 10/30/2020 Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Renewable Energy & The Smart Grid More Details
Eban Goodstein: Solar Dominance by 2030

Eban Goodstein, director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, explains why he thinks a solar energy revolution is possible and necessary by 2030.

For full audio and transcript, go here.

EarthSayer Eban Goodstein
Date 10/4/2019 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Solar Dominance + Citizen Action: Solving Climate Change By 2030, with Eban Goodstein

Can new developments in solar technology put the United States on track to produce 50 percent of its energy with renewables by 2030? What global citizen actions need to be undertaken to help reach this goal? Eban Goodstein, director of Bard Center for Environmental Policy, answers these questions and more in this hopeful and informative talk.

For full transcript and audio from this talk, go to: https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/studio/multimedia/20190919-solar-dominance-citizen-action-climate-change-2030-eban-goodstein

Date 9/26/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Want the truth about Australia's coal industry?

The future doesn’t belong to coal, it belongs to us.

Check out our new video voiced by Australian film and television legend Sigrid Thornton for our CEO, David Ritter’s new book: The Coal Truth: The fight to stop Adani, defeat the big polluters and reclaim our democracy.

The Coal Truth provides a timely and colourful contribution to one of the most important struggles in our national history - over the future of the coal industry. Contributors from the movement include Adrian Burragubba, Tara Moss and Berndt Sellheim, Lesley Hughes, John Quiggin, Hilary Bambrick, Ruchira Talukdar and Geoffrey Cousins.

Grab your copy of the book here and let us know what you think: https://bit.ly/2qIpoxE

Date 7/15/2018 Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details
The Deal with the Devil performed by RAZZ

Operation Crossroads – Bikini Atoll where we dropped atom bombs on coral reefs. Electric violinist Razz travels to Bikini to bring some music to the radioactive landscape.

EarthSayer RAZZ
Date 6/22/2017 Format Performance
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
A Journalistic Perspective of Standing Rock

Lynn Doan of Bloomberg news talks about objectivity in covering stories like Standing Rock.

EarthSayer Lynn Doan
Date 5/12/2017 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Courage of Leadership, Alberta's Carbon Pricing Story

At the time, it seemed unthinkable. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley stood on a stage with oil industry executives and environmental leaders to announce a new climate change policy for Canada’s top oil-producing province, home to the world’s third largest oil reserves. How did they do it?

EarthSayer Rachel Notley
Date 4/17/2017 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Hanford Waste Treatment Plant Costs Up Another $4.5B by Tom Carpenter

Interview with Tom Carpenter, Executive Director of the Hanford Challenge about developments at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation during 2016.

EarthSayer Tom Carpenter
Date 1/2/2017 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details
NYC Carbon Footprint 1.72 tons/second by Carbon Visuals
Static Preview

NYC carbon footprint: 54,349,650 tons a year = 148,903 tons a day = 6,204 tons an hour = 1.72 tons a second

In 2010 New York City added 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (equivalent) to the atmosphere, but that number means little to most people because few of us have a sense of scale for atmospheric pollution.

Carbon Visuals and Environmental Defense Fund make carbon emissions feel a bit more real - the total emissions and the rate of emission. Designed to engage the 'person on the street', this version is exploratory and still work in progress.

Date 11/30/2012 Format Visualization
Length 2:15 Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details

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