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For immediate release

Ecuadorian Wisdom Keepers Speaking on behalf of Mother Earth: Voices of Sustainability

Portland, Oregon, January 23, 2013

EarthSayers, LLC in coalition with Sustainability Action Media (SAM) announces an online video campaign featuring timely and on location interviews with Ecuadorian indigenous leaders. The campaign includes actively seeding the Web with these interviews to advance the wisdom of Mother Earth — our planet, peoples, and prosperity.

Earthsayers, the largest web library of sustainability thought leaders, is creating a special collection, Ecuador, with Ecuadorian wisdom keepers joining hundreds of other voices of sustainability, including those of indigenous peoples from around the world.

The campaign begins in the first quarter of 2013 when Barry Heidt, SAM producer and videographer, will visit Ecuador to document the wisdom keepers’ perspective on the Rights of Mother Earth.

He will be connecting in Ecuador with Pachamama Alliance’s David Tucker, director of Pachamama Journeys, and Ecuadorian Natalia Greene, director of Fundación Pachamama's program on Rights of Nature, "to collaborate on the specifics of his journey.”

Individuals and organizations wishing to collaborate with and support Barry Heidt’s journey may contact him directly at 541-992-4230.

About Barry Heidt

Awakening the Dreamer, a symposium series by the Pachamama Alliance was the beginning of Barry's journey seeking out wisdom keepers. It is one of the reasons why he influenced SAM's focus on wisdom keepers, the indigenous voices of sustainability to include the 2012 live streaming of the Wisdom from the Origins conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

At the Bioneers 2010 Conference Barry documented the panel on the Rights of Nature at which Mari Margil, an associate director of CELDF announced the launch of The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and formally made public their Tungurahua Volcano Declaration.

The Global Alliance then began a campaign for the signing of the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth introduced at the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on the 22nd April – Earth Day 2010.

The exposure by Barry to the Global Alliance and the Universal Declaration coupled with his experience from Awakening the Dreamer, the Pachamama Alliance’s symposium series and his most recent work with Sustainability Action Media (SAM) inspires his journey to Ecuador.


EarthSayers, LLC is the sponsor of EarthSayers.tv a Web Library connecting the voices of sustainability so as to be found by the millions of individuals searching the Web each month. One stop for hearing from our wisdom keepers, change makers, business and civic leaders, teachers, consultants, pioneers, and concerned citizens from all walks of life.


Sustainability Action Media (SAM) is a coalition of EarthSayers.tv, Sustainable and Sustainable Today with the objective of furthering the voices of sustainability through online video content creation, marketing, and thought leadership positioning. SAM supports video live streaming of events and conferences to increase reach, while reducing the carbon footprint of meetings. Visit

Contact: Ruth Ann Barrett, EarthSayers.tv, 415-377-1835



“As a filmmaker having the opportunity to engage with and give voice to indigenous peoples is one of the greatest and most humbling of experiences. What’s going on Ecuador today isn’t so different than what’s going on in many places here on Mother Earth. My work is all about mindful connection and call to action.” - Barry Heidt



Video, Interview by Barry Heidt of Mari Margil

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund



Sustainability Action Media

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature


About Earthsayers LLC
EarthSayers, LLC is a Portland-based organization dedicated to increasing sustainability awareness and adoption primarily by using video aggregation and content creation to curate a digital library of sustainability thought leaders accessible through one site, EarthSayers.tv. Incorporated January 2010 in the State of Oregon, EarthSayers is a virtual corporation with team members living in communities in Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and California.

Press Contacts
Ruth Ann Barrett
+1 415 377-1835

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