Design and Architecture

About This Collection

Incorporates all aspects of Design, especially Architecture, organized under the element of social sustainability. 

Curated by mokiethecat

Human Behavior and Climate Change by Dr. Shahzeen Attari 2 of 2

Dr. Shahzeen Attarti discusses her findings regarding public perceptions of energy consumption. She notes that, contrary to the findings of researchers, the public tends to view energy curtailment rather than efficiency as the better means of reducing energy consumption. Dr. Attari notes that the public tends to make small overestimates regarding energy expenditures associated with low-energy behaviors and large underestimates for those associated with large-energy behaviors. Dr. Attari mentions factors shown to correlate with accuracy of prediction. Presented at the Garrison Institute's Climate, Buildings and Behavior Symposium, May 2010.

EarthSayer Shahzeen Attari

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