Portland Sustainability Leaders

About This Collection

Business and civic leaders, experts, teachers, students, and citizens from all walks of life contributing to the leadership of Portland, Oregon as the most sustainability conscious city in the United States.

Curated by mokiethecat

Minority Entrepreneurs in Technology with James Pritchett
Minority Entrepreneurs in Technology 

Portland Development Commission (PDC) talks with four minority entrepreneurs about the challenges they face when trying to grow a technology based business in Portland.

Andres Montgomery, Dreem Digital
James Pritchett, Glance ID
Dwayne Johnson, Ideal Portland
Ben Berry, AirShip Technologies
Patrick Quinton, Portland Development Commission

Video produced by John Cárdenas at the Portland Development Commission and Published on Nov 28, 2012

EarthSayers Dwayne Johnson; Andres Montgomery; James Pritchett

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