Sustainability Action Media (SAM)

About This Collection




SAM represents a coalition of Barry Heidt and Tom Hopkins with publishing supported by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.  We formed this team to spread the voices of sustainability across the Web through EarthSayers.org, video portals, Youtube, and other social media sites.

By creating online video content, publishing it by seeding the Web with thought leaders, and using the EarthSayers Network in managing the content to include curation services, SAM is a complete, one-of-a-kind content marketing team in the service of sustainability.

Our work extends the reach of sustainability related gatherings and events while reducing the carbon footprint of face-to-face gatherings. We record, document and stream panels, speeches, and teaching circles at events and use the occasion to interview elders, teachers, experts, and citizens.

We may be contacted at 415-377-1835.

Curated by mokiethecat

SAM Portfolio: Conference Participant: Rafael Gallo: Interview

Rafael was videotaped by Barry Heidt of sustainabletv with editing support by Tom Hopkins of Sustainable Today at The International Ecotourism Society's (TIES) 2010 ESTC event in Portland, Oregon, September 8-10, 2010. 

Title: Environmental Sustainability and Saving Resources by Rafael Gallo

Rafael Gallo has pursued his passion for whitewater paddling from learning to paddle in the Great Smoky Mountains of the United States during college to founding and growing one of the best rafting companies in the world in his native Central America, based in Costa Rica. He has introduced thousands to the sport of paddling, led the fight to save the world-renowned Pacuare River from the first dam threat in the 1990s, purchased and protects 2000 acres of rainforest along the Pacuare and Rios’ eco-lodge. has planted almost 14,000 native tree species as part of the United Nations Environmental Program “Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign.”  More information on community development visit this Website.


EarthSayer Rafael Gallo

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