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When Words Aren?t Enough: The Visual Climate Story

While IPCC risk assessments and emission projections can help us understand climate change, they don’t exactly inspire the imagination or provoke a personal response to the crisis. The solution? A growing league of storytellers who use photographs, films and the human experience to breathe life into the cerebral science of anthropogenic climate change. Images can tap into our senses and break down barriers that statistics cannot—how far can they go to inspire a global climate response?

Join us for a conversation on the art of visualizing climate change with filmmaker Céline Cousteau, producer and director Davis Guggenheim, and photographer Cristina Mittermeier.


Céline Cousteau

Cristina Mittermeier
Photographer and Founder, International League of Conservation Photographers

Davis Guggenheim
Co-Founder, Concordia Studio

Greg Dalton
Founder and Host, Climate One


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EarthSayers CĂ©line Cousteau; Greg Dalton
Date 4/16/2021 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Pathways to Planetary Health - Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy in Conversation with Jonathan F. P. Rose. January 14, 2021

Overview of Joanna's work with her husband beginning in government service through to today.

Excellent introduction to Joanna Macy. She is an environmental activist, author, and scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. She is the author of twelve books. She was married to the late Francis Underhill Macy, the activist and Russian scholar who founded the Center for Safe Energy.

EarthSayers Joanna Macy; Jonathan F. P. Rose
Date 1/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Deep Ecology More Details
Wolf Joe Trailer 2

Wolf Joe is an exciting and brand-new animated series follows the daily adventures of Joe, a young First Nations boy who, with his two best friends, is inspired by the universal values of The Seven Teachings Wheel to explore his Indigenous culture, heritage and identity.

The children’s series was created in collaboration and partnership with the Turtle Lodge, Media Rendezvous and Amberwood Entertainment.

Wolf Joe, a 46 x 11 mins animated action adventure series, is a TVOkids Original!

Date 1/8/2021 Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Climate Justice: Radioactive And Toxic Waste, Racism, And Rising Oceans

At the recent Global Training in July 2020, former Vice President Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project continued their call to prioritize and center the environmental justice work of communities of color and indigenous communities. In this spirit, we invite you to learn about and engage with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice's "We Can't Breathe" campaign in San Francisco's Bayview and Hunters Point (BVHP) neighborhoods, a low-income community of color (33.7 percent African American, 30.7 percent Asian, and 24.9 percent Latinx per the 2010 Census) where residents suffer from high rates of asthma and cancer and where radioactive waste and toxic contamination at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund site and multiple other contaminated sites are located.

As one of the lowest-lying points in San Francisco, BVHP will also be first impacted by rising oceans, which have already risen by almost 8 inches as of 2016 and which threaten to create flooding of hazardous and radioactive waste of neighborhoods, transportation infrastructure, and the entire San Francisco Bay, while several hundred new luxury homes have been built next to and possibly on top of radioactive contamination, and 10,000 more homes are planned at the contaminated Shipyard Superfund Site where critics complain that radioactive and toxic cleanup has been marred by fraud and lax standards. Speakers will also discuss the August 25 Car Caravan Protest to San Francisco City Hall for the Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice "We Can't Breathe" Campaign.

Co-presented by The Climate Reality Project Bay Area Chapter

THU, OCT 1 / 12:00 PM PDT

Dalila Adofo
Community Organizer, Policy Advocate, and Coordinator, Bayview Hunters Point Community Air Monitoring Project with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice

Bradley Angel
Executive Director, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice

Sabrina Hall
Community Activist; Volunteer; Member, Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee; Member, Student Site Council and African American Parent Advisory Council, Paul Revere Elementary School; Member, California Environmental Justice Coalition; Vice Chair, Southeast Community Council; Community Organizer, Green Action for Health and Environmental Justice

Ahimsa Sumchai
M.D., P.D., Emergency Medicine Physician; President and Medical Director, Golden State MD Health & Wellness; Principal Investigator, Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program; Member, UCSF Medical Alumni Association Board of Directors

Alma Soongi Beck
Climate Justice Co-Chair, Climate Reality Project Bay Area Chapter—Moderator

Join us for the 2020 Commonwealth Club Virtual Gala.
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EarthSayers Dalila Adofo; Bradley Angel; Ahimsa Sumchai
Date 10/5/2020 Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details
CCL Training: A Social Psychological Framework For Climate Advocates

Join psychologists David Sherman and Leaf Van Boven (CCL's Sept 2018 monthly speakers) as they review the main findings and framework for their recent research. Deepen your understanding of how to utilize the strategies of affirmation, norms, immediacy and legacy in your own climate advocacy and citizen lobbying. Dr. Van Boven is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Dr. Sherman is a professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Skip ahead to the following section(s):
Theoretical Background (4:19)
Framework For Overcoming Barriers (27:10)
Data & Findings (42:07)
Implications for Advocacy & Training (52:49)

EarthSayers David Sherman; Leaf Van Boven
Date 10/2/2020 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Local Matters - design driven by urban conditions | Nuno Soares

We all like to discover new cities and are attracted by their special characters, but how do we extract these characters and put them into our everyday life? Nuno will share with us his experiences of living away from home and using local elements in his design and architecture. Nuno Soares is an architect and urban planner based in Macau since 2003, spreading his practice through architectural design, teaching, and research. He founded and directs the CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, a non-profit organization with the mission to promote research, education, production, and diffusion of knowledge in the fields of architecture and urbanism, taking local issues to a global audience. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

| TEDxSenadoSquare

EarthSayer Nuno Soares
Date 9/3/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Ability Inclusive Mindset | Lauren Schrero | TEDxNorthbrookLibrary

Lauren Schrero is a disability activist and is the co-founder of The Nora Project, a non-profit organization whose mission is to teach empathy by sparking friendships between students and their peers with disabilities. In her talk, Lauren demonstrates how to use the Ability Inclusive Mindset (AIM) to demystify disability and create more welcoming, inclusive spaces for children of differing abilities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Lauren Schrero is the co-founder and Executive Director of The Nora Project, a nonprofit organization providing disability inclusion training and curriculum to teachers. Before becoming a disability activist, Lauren was a litigator and federal law clerk. She received her B.A. from Macalester College and J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School. 

EarthSayer Lauren Schrero
Date 9/3/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
What it really means to be "Differently Abled". | Rob Silberstein | TEDxYouth@MoriahCollege

Rob is the embodiment of a life long learner, achieving multiple and multi-faceted degrees. He has actively combined his qualifications and experience to support his life’s calling of being a legal advocate for providing equal access to education and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities. An extraordinary tale of fighting for what you truly believe in. Dr. Rob Silberstein, who despite being born with a severe joint and muscular disability, has become a powerhouse in the world of commercial law. Dr. Silberstein’s life has been marked by uphill battles, but none greater than when he challenged the medical establishment to become the first registered medical doctor in Australia with a substantial physical disability. Dr. Silberstein holds numerous degrees including a Bachelor of Medicine (MB, Bachelor of Surgery (BS), Bachelor of Laws (LLB Hons I), Master of Health Law (MHL), Master of Industrial Property (MIP), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Grad Dip (Legal Practice). He currently runs his own law firm, Silberstein & Associates, with his wife, Jessica. Through his work at The Northcott Society and Northcott Innovation, he continues his fight to give those with disabilities equal access to a quality education and vocational opportunities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

EarthSayer r. Rob Silberstein
Date 9/3/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Hiding in Plain Sight: What's Missing in Health Equity by Keri Norris

Kerri Norris, who worked at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as a health scientist, evaluator, and epidemiologist, will be talking about “Addressing Health Equity using the MISTAH model”. Hear her talk! Keri Norris, PhD, JM, MPH, MCHES is The Fulton DeKalb Hospital Authority's Chief of Health Policy and Administration and leads the Community Health Awareness and Prevention Office and other key programs for the organization. Dr. Norris worked at the CDC as a health scientist, evaluator and epidemiologist. She has extensive experience in the areas of eliminating health disparities for vulnerable populations in the United States. She has served as adjunct faculty member at the University of South Carolina, Agnes Scott College, Spelman College, Baylor University and Morehouse School of Medicine. She is a published author of two books, the latest is #KeriOn. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

| TEDxEmory

EarthSayer Kerri Norris
Date 9/3/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
Your journey

AIEF Alum Unngoorra Harbour (Queensland University of Technology; St Joseph’s Nudgee College, 2015) congratulates the Class of 2020 on their achievements.

Australian Indigenous Education Foundation.

Date 9/3/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details

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