Climate Justice

About This Collection

Reframing climate change to climate justice affords us the opportunity to view climate change science through the lens of environmental, social and economic justice and understand that global warming is an ethical and moral issue.  A major proposition of climate justice is that those who are least responsible for climate change suffer its gravest consequences.

The purpose of this collection is to draw your attention to the many voices of climate justice to educate and inspire you.  Of particular note, "Faith communities carrying this message (of climate justice) are potentially powerful voices on climate change – voices that have been largely silent on the issue until recently."   

EarthSayers.tv has also started a Web collection, here as a blog, on Faith and Climate Justice.  

Curated by earthsayer

Global Climate Justice in the Anthropocene by Darrel Moellendorf:
June 21, 2018

Darrel Moellendorf, professor of international political theory at Goethe University Frankfurt, maps the landscape of climate justice concerns in the Anthropocene, the new geological epoch defined by humanity’s impact on the natural world. Among the options for combatting climate change, he posits, are different types of geoengineering—new technologies to artificially cool the planet that come with their own trade-offs and risks.

This clip summarizes Professor Moellendorf's comments made as part of a roundtable hosted by the Carnegie Council’s journal, "Ethics & International Affairs," at the International Studies Association’s Annual Convention, which took place in April 2018. For full transcript and audio from this event, please go to: https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/studio/multimedia/20180405-climate-change-and-power-to-act-ethical-approach-for-practical-progress

EarthSayer Darrel Moellendorf

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