Climate Justice

About This Collection

Reframing climate change to climate justice affords us the opportunity to view climate change science through the lens of environmental, social and economic justice and understand that global warming is an ethical and moral issue.  A major proposition of climate justice is that those who are least responsible for climate change suffer its gravest consequences.

The purpose of this collection is to draw your attention to the many voices of climate justice to educate and inspire you.  Of particular note, "Faith communities carrying this message (of climate justice) are potentially powerful voices on climate change – voices that have been largely silent on the issue until recently."   

EarthSayers.tv has also started a Web collection, here as a blog, on Faith and Climate Justice.  

Curated by earthsayer

How Shall We Live, With the Earth in Crisis? with Carolyn Baker

When we actually face what's happening on the planet, the picture isn't pretty. Author Carolyn Baker (Speaking Truth To Power) is concerned by rapidly-unfolding climate change, and the fragile Fukushima reactor situation. Systems thinker Dave Pollard (How To Save the World) sees endgames for three inter-related systems--economic, energy and ecology--any one of which could lead toCollapsing Consciously civilizational collapse.

We're in a predicament we can't fix, but we can choose how we respond. Published on Nov 19, 2013

To order her book from Amazon, click on the image or visit your local bookstore.

EarthSayers Carolyn Baker; Dave Pollard

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