Climate Change

About This Collection

What is climate change? A definition from the Department of Ecology of Washington State reads: Climate includes patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and seasons. It affects more than just a change in the weather and refers to seasonal changes over a long period of time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them.

It may be used inter-changably with global warming as they’re closely related. Global warming causes climates to change. Here is NASA discussion on the two terms, What's In A Name?

We recommend you listen and learn which is the best advice we can give to begin to understand the challenges before us.

Curated by mokiethecat

Grasslands, Carbon, and Climate Change by Jeff Goebel

In this video Jeff Goebel of AboutListening talks about the importance of restoring grasslands to pull carbon out of the atmosphere, doing so rather quickly, and the relationship of grassland restoration to climate change.

Jeff is a leading expert in helping individuals and communities attain their goals and remove the obstacles that lie in the way, with nearly twenty years of national and international successes in consensus building, conflict resolution, and visioning for sustainable solutions. As an award-winning consultant in private practice, he has worked on catalyzing positive change with everyone from non-profits to government agencies, multi-national corporations to small family ranchers. 

Jeff was interviewed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) in September of 2012, Wisdom from the Origins Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The video was produced and curated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability.

EarthSayer Jeff Goebel

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