What is climate change? A definition from the Department of Ecology of Washington State reads: Climate includes patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and seasons. It affects more than just a change in the weather and refers to seasonal changes over a long period of time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them.
It may be used inter-changably with global warming as they’re closely related. Global warming causes climates to change. Here is NASA discussion on the two terms, What's In A Name?
We recommend you listen and learn which is the best advice we can give to begin to understand the challenges before us.
Curated by mokiethecat
NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist: CO2 and Temperature by Dr. Hildebrand |
Is there any merit to the studies that show that historical CO2 levels lag behind temperature, and not lead them?
EarthSayer Peter Hildebrand |
The American Denial of Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
Reducing Carbon Pollution in Our Power Plants with President Obama
Climate Change the State of the Science
A Week in the Life of Rain from NASA
2019 Was the 2nd-Hottest Year on Record
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition: The CCAC
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change by Allan Savory
Climate is Culture by the artist David Buckland
Money Changed the Conversation on Climate Change with Jane Mayer
Call to Earth - A Message from the World's Astronauts to COP21
Prospects for Global Coordination in an Age of Pandemics and Emerging Climate Technologies
NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record
An introduction to climate change in 60 seconds by Royal Societry
Wildfire in a Warming World by Noah Matson
Big Questions for a Better Built Environment
Greenhouse Gases by F. Sherwood Rowland
Janos Pasztor: What is Carbon Dioxide Removal?
Global Warming and GM CEO Dan Ackerson
Uncovering Winter's Mystery by Gail SkoFronick-Jackson
The Myth of Apathy and Climate Change by Renee Lertzman
Getting Serious About Climate Change by David Victor
Why Single-Degree Climate Changes Matter by Anthony Leiserowitz
A President That Didn't Believe In Climate Change -Donald Trump
Are Cars a Necessary Purchase for Gen X? Hector De La Torre
Climate Change by 7 Billion Others
Witness Your Environment by Kelly Matheson
NASA's Analysis of 2016 Global Temperature
Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Another Record Low (March 2017)
The Future We Choose with Christiana Figueres |
De-Bunking Denier Monckton on Global Cooling and Melting Ice -Part I
NASA Sees Temperatures Rise, Sea Ice Shrink - Climate Trends 2016
Trending Story - Social Cost of Carbon V143
Storage of Carbon Underground by Herbert Huppert FRS
Intro to the Climate Web by Mark Trexler
World Could Be 4 Degrees Hotter By End of This Century
Amy Goodman at Green Festival Seattle 2010
David Attenborough & Tim Flannery on Climate Change
Shade in the time of Climate Change by Raj Patel
Why the Number 350 for Climate Change
Imminent Problem of Care for Creation by Rev. John Rausch
A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2 by NASA
Copenhagen Climate Talks: President Obama
Trending Story - Trade Agreements and Climate by Mark Trexler
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein | Guardian Docs
Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability by IPCC
Record Low Arctic Sea Ice Maximum - 2016
Will Rich Countries Deliver Pledged Billions by Kumi Naidoo
Climate Pavilion COP 15: Sarah Severn, NIKE
Re-balancing Climate by Rajendra Pachauri
Climate Change Question Time by RSA Panel
Online Participation and Corporate Power by David Ritter
On Climate Risk and Scenario Planning by Dr. Mark Trexler
Cities and climate change
Plastic Pollution
How Whales Change Climate by Sustainable Human
The Urgency of Combating Climate Change
How to Save Our Planet | Earth Day 2020 | Talks at Google
Janos Pasztor: How do you assess the risks of climate-altering technologies?
Seven Serious Jokes About Climate Change by Marcus Brigstocke
Indigenous Values on Climate Change - September 2019
Earth's Long-Term Warming Trend, 1880-2015
Climate change: A slow-burn existential threat | Jon Gertner
Human Behavior and Climate Change by Dr. Shahzeen Attari 1 of 2
NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist Submit Your Question
Business Risk Library from The Climate Web
Sustainable is the new Profitable. Green is the new Digital. Covid-19 is a test-run 4 #ClimateChange
How the circular economy tackles climate change with Per Klevnas
Climate 101 with Bill Nye
NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist: Global Warming Pause? Josh Willis
The Power of Big Oil, Part Two: Doubt from Frontline
Climate Change Question Time with Solitaire Townsend (Panel/Edited Extract)
RSA Minimate: Climate Change and the Future of Humanity | David Wallace-Wells
The Climate Crisis & Municipal Leadership, Dr. Dianne Saxe
Indigenous Peoples Lead Largest Climate Change Rally
De-growth by Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows-Larkin
Grasslands, Carbon, and Climate Change by Jeff Goebel
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 1)
Projected U.S. Precipitation Changes by 2100 from NASA
God's Taunt Sermon by Bill McKibben
The Politics of Climate Change by Anthony Giddens
How It All Ends
Climate Change and the Power to Act: An Ethical Approach
The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial (full documentary) by FRONTLINE
The Price of Carbon
The Arctic: A Dynamic Environment by GreenTv
Témoins du climat - 7 milliards d'Autres
100 solutions to reverse global warming | Chad Frischmann
NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist: Food Production by Molly Brown
Time to Wake Up with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
What does true climate leadership mean for a responsible business in 2023?
Heroes and Villains by Renee Lertzman
Energy and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities by Dr. Steven Chu
The Myth of Apathy by Renee Lertzman
"Climate Change, Sustainability, and What You Can Do to Make an Impact" | Talks at Google
The Hope for Humanity ? Preparing for a New Earth
Oregonians Embrace Climage Change with Adam Davis
Sustainability and Global Grand Challenges by Jeffrey Sachs
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 3)
Shell Oil's Stern Warning on Climate Change from 1991
What Else Do We Need to Do by Bill McKibben
Why World is Finally Ready to Track Climate Change
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak on Global Warming (1080p HD - REMASTERED)
Climate Change - Causes, Consequences and Mitigation Solutions by Duncan Stewart | Talks at Google
24 Hours of Reality on September 14, 2011
The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it | Katharine Hayhoe
Changing the Climate Story
California's Extreme Drought, Explained | The New York Times
July 2020 | Dr. Renee Lertzman | Citizens' Climate Lobby
'Turn Down the Heat' Warns Without Policy Action, Results Could Be Dire
Taking Action on Climate Change by Regeneration Project
NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist: CO2 and Temperature by Dr. Hildebrand
Addicted to Risk by Naomi Klein
One Year on Earth as Seen From 1 Million Miles
The Clean Energy Economy is Ready to be Scaled -Here's How
The Conservative Case for Acting on Climate with Jerry Taylor
Thinking Beyond the Financial Return by John Fullerton
Hiding Climate Risk
Claire Fyson: Governance of large-scale Carbon Dioxide Removal
On Amazon Fires: "We're on the Edge of a Cliff"
Climate Change Summit by State of Maryland
Creating Incomes, Sustainability on a Fragile Moroccan Coast
2011: A Year of Extreme Weather
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 2)
"What's up with the weather -Climate Change"
How we can turn the tide on climate | Christiana Figueres and Chris Anderson
CCL Training: A Social Psychological Framework For Climate Advocates
Climate Risk Strategies and Scenario Planning Interviews by Mark Trexler
Air Quality: A Tale of Three Cities by Dr. Bryan Duncan
The Crossing: Erick's Story (Philippines)
Is Climate Denial Destroying Our Planet? (Full Program)
NYC Carbon Footprint 1.72 tons/second by Carbon Visuals
Climate Risk Strategies and Scenario Planning by Mark Trexler
Courage of Leadership, Alberta's Carbon Pricing Story
Arctic Sea Ice Update by Dr. Tom Wagner of NASA
Projected U.S. Temperature Changes by 2100 from NASA
UK Climate Change Public Awareness Advertisement
The Other Inconvenient Truth by Jonathan Foley
CarbFix: Fixing Climate in Iceland
Megadroughts Projected for American West reports NASA
#CCL2020 June Conference: Broadcast Meteorologists as Climate Change Communicators
Celebrating Environmental Milestones: Default Settings
Bill Mckibben One-on-One November 2016
President Obama on Climate Change in 2nd Term
Six Decades of a Warming Earth by NASA
There is One Human Family and the Hurt of One is the Hurt of All!
Grasslands and Carbon by John Fullerton
Arctic oil drilling: | Keep it in the ground
Roadmap to Net Zero - B Corp Global Climate Summit
The Psychology of Climate Change with Robert Frank
President Obama Speaks on Climate Change June 2013
Advanced Energy Economy Close-up with Tom Steyer
Ep2: In a tizzy over pizzlies | FROZEN ISLANDS, ARCTIC SEAS | #WWFVoices
"Companies are either partners or predators" Peter Seligmann COPpuccino at COP17
The Earth's Sensivity and Monckton the Denier
Businesses Race to be Green Around the Globe - Bjorn Stigson
Janos Pasztor: Is the world ready for large-scale CO2 removal?
When Words Aren?t Enough: The Visual Climate Story
Soils, Biodiversity Antaarctica by Diana H. Wall, PhD.
Andrew Revkin on The Interviewpoint pt 1
Rapid Climate Change by Dr. Chris Charles
The 19th Reason for Hope, Climate Reality by Al Gore
On Climate Change Deniers by Prince Charles
Climate denial isn?t stopping climate action. Here?s what is. |
Notes from the Front of the Climate Fight by Bill McKibben
Eban Goodstein: Transitioning to Electric Vehicles
Climate Change Is Disrupting Entire U.S. - The Assessment
Who Is Maurice Strong?
Climate & Health Meeting with Laura Turner Seydel
Uncertainty, knowledge and climate change by Stephan Lewandowsky
All we hear is blah blah blah' by Greta Thunberg
Climate change, the Paris accord, and the media (2017)
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak by Max Wilbert
Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of Our Planet by NASA
Sen. Kerry on New Climate Bill
And They Just Find Climate Change a Snooze by Marty Kaplan
U.S. NOAA Says 2014 was Hottest Year on Record
A People's Climate Movement Historic March
Answering Climate Change Skeptics by Naomi Oreskes